The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as to recognise, understand, and influence the feelings of others, stands at the crossroads of personal success and collective achievement. According to research by McKinsey, by 2030, the need for skills based on emotional intelligence is expected to increase by 26%. In the modern workforce, emotional intelligence is not merely an asset; it’s the very foundation upon which compelling leadership is built.

As you aspire to climb the heights of leadership excellence, integrating emotional intelligence into your leadership repertoire becomes indispensable. This is not just about leading with authority but about leading with authenticity, empathy, and strategic insight. It’s about becoming the leader who not only navigates the complexities of the modern world with grace but also inspires and uplifts those around them to achieve greatness.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

The Essence of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

In the context of leadership, emotional intelligence acts as both the compass and map, guiding leaders through the complexities of human emotions and interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. At Auxesia, our mentoring and coaching experiences reveal how emotional intelligence, covering ten behavioural and cognitive attributes which are anchored in its five pillars, is essential for leaders eager to amplify their effectiveness and impact. 


When leaders are self-aware, they have a clear understanding of their own emotions, they can recognise their impact on others, and they understand how their moods and emotions shape their decisions. Being self-aware helps leaders to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to work on areas that will enhance their leadership capabilities.


Those who can regulate their emotions can better manage stress and handle conflict. This doesn't mean suppressing emotions but rather understanding them enough to react appropriately. Leaders who master self-regulation often display trustworthiness and integrity; they are less likely to make hasty decisions or compromise their values.


Leaders who can motivate themselves and are driven by inner ambitions, rather than external rewards or status, can inspire the same in their teams. They're more likely to set challenging goals and have a high standard of excellence, which often leads to high-quality work and persistence in the face of obstacles.


Empathy is arguably one of the most important aspects of emotional intelligence for leaders.  It is important to note that it is only one; many people think that emotional intelligence is simply empathy.  Empathetic leaders can understand and share the feelings of others. This trait is invaluable when it comes to leading a team, as it helps the leader to connect with their team members on a human level, understand their team's challenges, and provide support and encouragement. This not only creates a more harmonious work environment but also helps in nurturing employee loyalty and satisfaction.

Social Skills

Social skills are essential for effective leadership. Leaders with advanced social skills are often excellent communicators and are adept at managing change and resolving conflicts. They know how to build and maintain relationships, and they understand the importance of teamwork, which is quintessential in any work environment.

How to Build Up Your Executive Team

06 August 2024

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